Dear July, you sure did come and go way too fast. Dear Chicago, I will see you next Thursday! Dear computer, thanks for totally just crashing and deleting ALL my inventory. No big deal, I really wanted to start ALL the way over. Dear Dane & Sadie, congrats on baby Tatum! Dear Jenna & Adam, I had a good time at your wedding, so happy for you! Dear sleep, I miss you a lot. Dear recorded tv shows, I will get with you when I have a day with nothing to do. I miss you. Dear stress, I am beating you... I think, I haven't cried yet! Dear work, I cannot even put into words how bad I will miss all the people that I see every single day. Such a huge part of my life is changing after today.
Yep, my last day @ TKS is today. I have been working for my parents since I was 16 (summer camp and after school program). I left for a year to wait tables, but ended up going back to have an awesome schedule. I worked there through high school and all 4 years of college. It has been such a huge part of my life, but now it is time for my next chapter. I am so so excited to move on, but of course there is a sappy part of me that will miss these people. I will miss all the stories and all the families that have been such a blessing to me.
okay, enough sappiness for one post!
goodness I love them all!