So I play on "Grown Up Sports League"... and we play dodge ball!
my team: "Hard Targets" (few people missing)
yeah... like real life dodge ball.
not as intense as in the movie, but intense nonetheless!
My friend Amanda had heard about the league a while back and wanted to play kickball.
We both happened to have Monday nights available and that is the nights dodge ball is.
She asked me and I declined like the first three times.
no way! I was not into the idea of people attacking me and trying to hit me...
I am all for socializing and sports... but this sounded brutal.
finally Amanda talked me into it.
and since I am trying to do things that terrify me, I thought it was perfect.
little did I know. how perfect it would be!
Obviously I am NOT an athlete, and I am probably the weakest link on the team... but what I lack in talent I make up for in... cheering them on? heart? drinking beer?
ex: I am not even paying attention here... I guess I was fixing Amanda's hair?
that too is important though.
so long story short, we sign up for dodge ball.
we are the "free agent team"
(basically nobody knows anyone and we haven't all played previous seasons)
a couple of people knew each other, but other than that, we were all just in it to have fun and meet new people... and that we did!
I have never seen such a group of strangers from so many different walks of life just "click".
We are all different ages, have different jobs, and are from all over the country, etc.
I know I have done a good job of making this intense sport sound girly and emotional...
but this underdog story isn't over...
last week started the playoffs and we won our first round, last night was the semi finals and finals... and you got it...
World Champions of the World:
*I missed the finals game bc my aunt & uncle were in town from Florida,
I see them once every few years.
but I for sure drove all the way to the bar after to celebrate with the team!!
So it was definitely and experience and it isn't over.
We all hang out outside of dodge ball sometimes and have registered to play next season, which starts in like a month!
I am so glad I decided to play & I will start my spring training today in hopes of helping my team out a little more next season!
and we are coming back better than ever with a new team name:
Blue Balls & Pink Tacos!
(love some good humor and we can lose those maroon shirts, sorry Maggie & Amanda)