
Saturday, December 28, 2013


so it is one of those weird weeks.

it always is a little bit weird when the holidays are over. we build it up so much and then within days it is over.  

it is even more strange this year.
I am at a place in life that I never saw myself in.
this isn't bad though, I have grown and changed in so many ways.
and for that I can only be thankful.

but it is a reflective week for me more than ever.
Christmas has come and gone and here I am,
the eve of my 25th birthday and days away from the start of 2014.

on one hand I feel super reflective. 
what have I done in my 25 years, who have I touched, what mistakes have I made, did I forgive myself and others, what have I learned/accomplished?

and on the other hand it is all the ideas of what is to come in the next year and the next 25 years.
what kind of  person will I be in a relationship with, what will my kids be like, what career will I have, what kinds of people will come in and out of my life and change it, who will I impact, and what will I learn/accomplish? 

but the truth is we focus way too much on the past and the future.

this year has been LIFE CHANGING. and I could sit and relive failed relationships, things I didn't do, great moments, travels, friendships and experiences. 

I could sit and build up anxiety about what is next and where I am supposed to be.


I could just stop. live. and be in the present. bc I have realized in talking with so many different people in all walks of life that we will always reflect on our past and we will always be a little nervous about the future.  I understand I cannot make that stop, but I will choose to try and just live day by day and be vulnerable. 

So Happy Birthday Eve to me
Happy New Years to YOU! 

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

what I learned friday night.

Friday night I learned a valuable lesson.

I figured I should share the genius discovery:

1 bottle of wine = 3 small ozarka bottles.

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so whether you are going to the movies, a graduation, sporting event, etc. 
3 ozarka bottles will cover ya!

oh and Vince Vaughn has still got it.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013


I got onto Blogger and realized I haven't blogged since 10/30.
sheesh. I have missed it for sure, but it has been busy to say the least.

I love busy, not complaining! 

(but I wouldn't mind sitting on my couch for 3 days.)

I wasn't really sure where to pick up on blogger, what I should share, what I probably shouldn't, etc.  so I will just share something magical...

My Trip to Disney World

(ps. it is Walt Disney's birthday, so it is a pretty perfect day to share)

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the castle never really loses its magic.  pretty awesome!

Day 1- Animal Kingdom

I was a nerd and bought something "Disney" to wear every day.

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Minnie sweater: Target


Day 2- Epcot

visiting the countries is my favorite.  we tried beers/snacks from all the countries. love it!

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we were "that group" on our 2nd day.  I got us all matching Minnie tanks from F21.
We looked pretty cute though.

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Day 3- Magic Kingdom

(I promise I can jump better than that haha)
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this really happened...
I do not know this girl...
but her way of thinking is amazing lol

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but the more I got to thinking about that, it really is strange.  we both happened to be at Disney (she was from Louisiana), we happened to be at the same park, and we happened to be wearing the same thing, and we happened to even run into each other 4 times! lol


Day 4- Hollywood Studios (my fav)

they do this wonderful Christmas lighting during the holidays there.
it is amazing!! so glad I got to see it! 

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Day 5 was spent at the house we rented celebrating Thanksgiving by eating a lot & watching football.  (we don't need to discuss the Steelers losing by 2 or the fine that Tomlin is getting hit with) ...

Day 6 I left to come home  & work Black Friday @ PLT while the group stayed and enjoyed another day. It was a great trip!


I am seriously thankful for so much right now.
Sometimes I catch myself getting nervous bc I know life is all about highs and lows and I know it will not always feel this wonderful, but I can't think like that, so I will enjoy the moment & this wonderful season!

Have a great day and stay warm!