Hey, hey it is Alida!
Alida is the most precious friend ever, we grew up on the same street as kids & went to school together. She graduated from UH (go coogs), attended the Disney College Program, worked very hard for HEB, and now is a Business Analyst for Pisco Porton.

and hello... she is gorgeous!
What is she wearing?
Lately I feel like all I wear is slacks and a blouse (blah work clothes) but I can’t WAIT for spring and summer weather to come so I can break out the sundresses! I love love love dresses….and ice cream. Oh my goodness a dress with ice cream prints all over it would be perfect.
What is she listening to?
Bear Hands, Birdy, Beirut, Paramore and basically anything they play on Alt Nation
Where is she going?
Disneyland in June! I have an obsession so I am trying to go once a year and California will always have a piece of my heart. Something that’s happening sooner…Captain America 2 this Friday.

What is she reading?
I just started Panic by Lauren Oliver but one of my favorite books to re-read is The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. It’s purty good.
What is she working on?
Does saving money count? Because I feel like that is a project I have been working on for years lol I would have to say that and crossing things off my bucket list (visit the Ice Hotel, ride in a hot air balloon, sing the lyrics to a rap song without missing a beat, etc) And those 2 projects probably don’t mix well together
Who is she with?
Family, friends, my doggies, my friends’ doggies, and Stephen. He’s a stud.

What is she afraid of?
Did you hear they are rebooting IT!? WHY? I hate clowns.
And I hate balloons because they pop without warning and they are usually associated with clowns.
What is she hoping for?
To continue to grow and have a happy life! To create a family, become an aunt, a mom, and grandma. Ya know the whole enchilada. And meet Jonah Hill? I think we could be good friends.
What is her favorite part of the day?
On weekdays it’s getting home from work and snuggling in bed with my 2 fluffy pals while reading a book. Sometimes Netflix is involved.
What is she eating? French Macaroons and lots of Italian food.
What is she drinking?
Green tea with a little vanilla cream.
What is she loving?
Macaroons, having Sunday’s off, amazon.com, the 75 degree weather, anything Disney, and my new job.
(Should I have said friends and family? Because them too!)

What is she watching?
Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon a Time, New Girl and Dawsons Creek. Yup. I’m not ashamed of any of that lol
What is her favorite quote?
“But all the magic I have known I’ve had to make myself”-Shel Silverstein
So cliché but so right.
My dear Alida,
I am beyond blessed to have you in my life,
I wish you all the happiness!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
the weather is supposed to be no bueno & I have work to do,
but I am def going to try and get some "me" time in.
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