
Friday, September 13, 2013

how you know you are a loyal fan.

How to know you are a loyal Pittsburgh Steelers Fan:

1. Buy tickets to the first home game.
2. Fly to Pitt.
3. Drag your best friend there.*
4. Watch them lose/play  HORRIBLY.**
5. Want to do it all over again!!! 

*Holly actually wanted to go & was a great sport!
**Only I can say that they played bad... not you!


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ah! sweet game day!
I was so very excited for my FIRST Steelers football game 

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how cute was our pink cab?!

We woke up SO ready for the game Sunday!
We headed out for some lunch & it was SO awesome to see the whole city in 

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Pittsburgh has to have one of the best stadiums.  It is completely open with views of the skyline and the river.  People pull up their boats and tailgate from the water.

We were happy when we were winning lol 

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If you watched the game at all, you are aware that we scored within the first 30sec of the game and then did not score again until the last 5min of the game lol

it was sloppy, but y'all the atmosphere was sooooo fun. it was intense and even though we lost, I looooved being there!

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as we were leaving, we saw this guy... really. a Cowboys fan?!lol 
go home!

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what else are you to do after such a loss, drink your sorrows away, and that we did!

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word to the wise:

do NOT text someone a picture if they photobomb you.  they will continuously text you.

(but yeah I'm stupid for being nice lol)

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we bought some cute Pirates Koozies
(I already have Steelers ones) 

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what a day!

hate that we lost, but all in all, it was way too fun!
and it is easier to lose win you are surrounded by supporters.

Here's to this season, though it may be rough, I will stick it out for my boys!

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