
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

random tuesday fun.

Remember those fun fill out things from Myspace?!

the ones that you fill out & nobody really cares?!

yep, I did one & threw in some random pictures, that alone could not fill up a blog.



Cooking: I've been using my cute little grill lately, makes me excited to eat semi-healthy.

Drinking: Water all the dang time.  

Reading: too many books at one time, I need to actually finish one. 

Wanting: my hair to grow. a day by the pool. a week at the beach.

Looking: real rough today. this rain though.

Playing: I'm stuck on this one. I'm not playing... lol 

Wasting: Time doing this, duh! and wasting money at Target... but it isn't really wasting if you LOVE it.  

Wishing: I was naturally tan & that tanning beds did not cause skin cancer.  

(but I do enjoy wine/spray tans) 

Enjoying: work being so lovely.I am really liking my new hires, spring clothes, & being busy.

Waiting: always, and half the time I really don't even know what for exactly. 

Liking: those plastic tumblers with plastic straws for my ice water.  

Wondering: if anyone else finds these dumb quizzes half as interesting as I do!

Loving: summer time. laying on the couch. church. laughing really hard. sleep. 

Hoping: Even though I have made horrible eating choices, that my body decides to just ignore those 8345894398043 calories and not turn them into jiggle fat. 

Marveling: At life. and the strange beauty of imperfection. 

Needing: a week long vacation away from everything, where I have to sit still and not know what time it is. 

Smelling: my scentsy! 

Wearing: a black shirt with dark skinnies. I mean, do I even wear anything else?! 

Following: strangers on instagram, but not letting strangers follow me... makes sense.  

Noticing: girls are crazy. we make up most of the things that make us crazy also. 

Knowing: I feel like I've lived so much, and I am not even a third of the way done. (hopefully!)

Thinking: more like over thinking, anything & everything. 

Feeling: good today.

Bookmarking: my daily journal has a bookmark. thank goodness, I would never find the days without it. 

Opening: books? doors? what do you mean. 

Giggling: all the time. especially when it is uncomfortable. 

Feeling: lazy. I need to start making the most of my mornings before work!


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