
Friday, April 12, 2013

friday's letters


Linking up with Ashley for
Friday's Letters!
Dear handwritten thank you cards,
you are the sweetest & mean so much more than a text.
( I need to remember to write them to others more often)
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Dear beautiful white jeep parked right outside my boutique,
I want you. I want you real bad. You look so perfect here & like you belong. I hope one day you are actually mine!
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Dear Easter,
I never blogged about you & really don't have much to say except for church was beautiful, I like everyone dressing up, Easter baskets are so fun, and the Astros actually won!
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Dear headbands across my face,
you have saved me lately from actually having to fix my hair. thanks.
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Dear green chile chicken enchiladas,
you hit the spot.
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 Dear Liana (Lana),

Happy Birthday!!
(even though you don't think blogs are a reliable source... it in fact is your birthday. and you can quote me on that)  
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 Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. Hand-written notes are the best! My 2013 resolution is to write one letter or note per week for the whole year... so 52 different people will receive something nice & hand-written in their mailbox this year! I am loving it!

  2. Yes to hand-written thank you notes and enchiladas! YUMMY!
